Inventory (manufacturer)

After completing the facility profile and inviting users to the Facility Manager role, you can begin building your list of waste categories and start using the inventory system regularly. To get started, simply click on the INVENTORY tab on the left.

If you are logged in to the system as an organisation manager, you can see the list of facilities and access their inventory one by one from the FACILITY tab, by clicking on the facility dropdown on the top left.

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Each facility can decide how often to update the inventory—whether daily, weekly, or monthly. However, as most of the platform's functionality revolves around inventory management, more frequent updates will enhance the platform’s performance, benefiting both the facility and the wider RR network.

  • Start by clicking + NEW CATEGORY on the top right.

  • This will open up a modal to enter the details. The options in the dropdown menus are put together based on the info that was entered in your profile.

    NB. You'll notice an option BRAND FOR NEW STOCK. This creates a category exclusive to a brand and should only be used if an exact fibre-to-fibre trace is needed. When managing a mass-balance-based inventory, keep it set to multiple brands; you can specify a particular brand at a later stage.

  • If a category has been created, it becomes visible in the inventory.

    You can continue adding categories until you’ve built a comprehensive list of the most common waste types generated by your facility that you plan to track on the RR platform.

    Categories can be created for both textile and non-textile waste. The waste list follows the same breakdown as the HIGG Index while offering an expanded range of options.

    If there is something not available in the dropdowns, please notify us at or via the chatbot in the system so that we can modify the list of options according to your needs.

  • Once you have built your list of categories you can start adding volumes of waste into your inventory regularly from the production floor or waste warehouse. Add or remove waste in inventory by clicking the +/- button in the ADD / REMOVE STOCK column.
  • Clicking the + sign opens up a new modal where you can type in the waste amount in kilograms.
  • If multiple brands were selected during category creation, you can specify a brand name with each adjustment. If the brand is unknown, simply leave the dropdown as it is; this will automatically label it as 'Multiple brands.'

  • If a category was created with a defined brand name, volumes will be added for that brand only.

  • Clicking on a category will display its history of adjustments, reserved volumes, and draft volumes. Once you begin using the SHIPMENT menu to register outgoing shipments, these will also appear here.

  • When removing volumes from a category click the - sign. Enter the amount necessary and select the reason for removing stock. This is queried for improving the tracing of the waste and data quality.

    When Add to a shipment to 3rd party is chosen, a recipient has to be added. This refers to the partners in your profile who have not yet joined our platform. After adding them to your PROFILE, in the PARTNERS tab, you'll be able to select them comfortably from a dropdown menu when removing inventory.

    NB. When waste is sent to someone already using the platform, please create a shipment from the SHIPMENTS tab.

  • Once you have created at least one category in the Inventory and added the initial volume to it, the SHIPMENTS tab functionality will become available.

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