All shipments and quality reports (manufacturer)

When navigating to the SHIPMENTS tab and viewing the shipment overview, you'll notice that each shipment has one of four statuses: DRAFT, IN QUALITY CHECK, or CONFIRMED. Additionally, some shipments may have QUALITY REPORT noted in the rightmost column.

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  • DRAFT – A shipment initiated by your facility but not yet sent out. It remains editable and can be deleted.
  • SENT OUT – The shipment has been sent but has not yet arrived at its destination.
  • IN QUALITY CHECK – The shipment has reached its destination, and the receiving party has chosen to perform a quality check, which is still in progress.
  • CONFIRMED – The shipment has arrived at its destination, and the receiving party has completed the quality check or has chosen to skip it, accepting the shipment as is.
  • By clicking on QUALITY REPORT, a detailed view page will open.

During the quality check, the receiving facility will verify that the contents of the shipment match what was documented. This includes checking the weight, colour, composition, and other key markers. As soon as the check begins, you can view its progress by clicking on QUALITY REPORT.

Once the quality check is completed and the report is submitted, the shipment status will change to COMPLETED, at which point you’ll have the option to either accept or contest the report. If no action is taken within one month, the report will be automatically accepted. Contesting the report allows you and the receiver to re-negotiate the waste prices based on the report’s findings.

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