Inventory (recycler)
As a recycler, you rely on your partners to supply you with materials to populate your inventory with. From here, you can start registering new products and get an overview category-by-category on the shipments they've come in, -gone out and how much has been reserved for recycling into something new.
After receiving a shipment and finishing a quality check, the waste will be added to the inventory.
If you notice a yellow NO_QA mark, those are the categories that you have opted not to do a quality assurance check on.
Let's take a closer look at a category:
The checkbox on the far left is for creating new products. Select all the material categories that you'd like to use for a product and click on the +NEW PRODUCT button on the top right.
It is explained thoroughly in the "Recycled products" article.
- By clicking a category open, you'll see a detailed view of all actions over time concerning this material.
- Available volume tab will show all shipments that have come in and gone out.
- Reserved tab will display the amount that's currently being used in production.
- In draft shows how much stock has been currently added to an ongoing shipment.
If brands in the BRANDS dropdown and the Brand breakdown are all numbered and you're not seeing any brand names, they haven't added you as their preferred recycling partner yet but you are handling their waste. If you see the same brand number coming up and you're recycling great numbers of their waste please contact us at We take protecting our user's data very seriously and we'll make the first introduction for you.