Launch of the v2.0 of RR platform
Ann Runnel • February 16, 2021
The v1.0 of RR platform was built based on many assumptions we initially had. Some of the functionality turned out to be very useful, some never got any attention from our early users. But any of it was actually very user-friendly, demanding a lot of time to enter the data or read it later. So in October 2020 we started to develop a completely new version from scratch, and we are now ready for the first launch of it.
In the first launch of the new version we are sharing the most useful functionality brought over from the old one: inventory management and registration of shipments for manufacturers supplying the waste to RR network. We have significantly improved how colours and categories can be managed in the inventory, added the option to see the history of updates in the inventory and a chance to archive old categories.
On top of that we have added in the general waste profile, organisation and facility management and opportunity for each user to invite other users, and this helpdesk site where to find process overviews, tutorials and answers to frequently asked questions.
But this is just the very start of a long roadmap of functionality that we still need to build to deliver the service to serve the best need of our network. Over the next coming months we are focusing on improving the following processes and creating online tools for these:
- Merging the inventory lists across different facilities for the organisation manager to be able to get full list of waste available, and download the data to excel. A step further from there will be giving access to recyclers, buying houses and retail brands to see aggregated data of total volumes of waste by composition and type across a network of the facilities the want to monitor for informed decisions on what and when could be sourced for recycling. Expected launch: end of March 2021
- Reporting of waste volumes and disposal from manufacturers to their clients. While the system mainly captures live data of waste currently in stock and tracing of the waste flows, we have promised to some of the brands in the network to also create additional timestamp to register total volumes and disposal of waste each month. This is needed for measuring baseline and progress of waste volumes and disposal - making sure that volumes of waste reaching landfill or incineration start to decrease. Expected launch: end of April 2021
- Giving login and online access to the platform for the waste handlers to be able to confirm receiving shipments and enter their quality reports directly into the system. This will also make it possible to invite recyclers to confirm their incoming shipments on the platform and get RR verification on the waste source. Expected launch: mid April 2021
- Improved order management of recyclers' requests - enabling pre-booking of waste in the manufacturers' inventory so that it becomes clear which waste categories and volumes have already been promised to which recyclers (or brands, buying houses or other stakeholders they want to collaborate with). Expected launch: Q2 2021
- Circularity reports online: aggregating and merging the data on the platform captured from manufacturers, waste handlers and recyclers and turning this into online functionality, accessible any time moment for all our clients to play around with as per their needs. Expected launch: Q3 2021
As you already might know from working with RR, all of these processes described are currently already possible to carry out with RR, even though we may not have the functionality available online in the system.