Level 3 - manage waste inventory online

Managing your waste data with the online Waste Inventory tool gives us a chance to more precisely match the volumes and types of your waste with the requests from our recycler network and come back with best orders for each of your waste stream. We thereby help to maximise the value of that waste in its next lifecycle, with the goal to turn this back to new yarn and fabric.

Our online Waste Inventory tool enables the following functionality for regular waste reporting:

  • Create waste categories. Identify key categories that you commonly have running through production and provide as accurate data as possible about each category. In case of any slight change in the description of the waste not to match the category description any longer, please register a new category. The information about each category will be used as basis of providing background information for recyclers, who may be sensitive to various different characteristics of the waste. RR Waste Inventory tool enables to identify waste by waste source, waste type, composition, yarn type, colour group, tone, colour type, certificates, brands. Additionally it is possible to add comments and internal coding to ease finding the right categories from the list later on.
  • Add volumes (kg) of waste to each category when such waste is generated in the cutting room and/or stored in the waste warehouse. Make sure the communication between the cutting room and waste warehouse is adequate for the waste warehouse to be able to identify that waste is registered under the right category in the system, if this is not already done in the cutting room.
  • Register shipments of waste whenever waste is moved out of the warehouse to a collector or next user to keep waste inventory up to date. If the waste is segregated and reported on RR platform, but the factory does not yet trade waste through RR platform or occasionally gives waste to other stakeholders, shipments of waste still need to be registered on the platform to inform RR network that such waste isn’t any more available. (Registration of shipment functionality will become available on the platform by end of February 2021)
  • Decommission volumes that have been discarded from warehouse to local landfill or inhouse use, or make corrections in the inventory in case of false entries. 

  • When clicking on the row in the inventory list, additional information (history of entries) will become visible.
  • Archive categories which are outdated. 

If you represent a large manufacturing organisation, and same data is already maintained in your internal ERP system, please contact us at support@reverseresources.net so we could discuss automatic transfer of the data. 

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