Option 1: Waste handler as a logistics partner

In this situation all trading parties, payment and delivery terms and conditions are pre-defined. The role of the waste handler is limited to providing logistic support of picking up the waste from the source (factory warehouse) and delivering it to the location advised by the buyer (port or the recyclers warehouse). This also means that the supplier takes full responsibility for the content and the packaging of the shipment to be in conformity with the buyer’s requirement.

Step 1: Receive and acknowledge notification from the RR platform for required services. The notification includes details of the material (quality, quantity, weight, packaging information) and pick-up / delivery locations & dates.  

Step 2: Pick up the material when goods are ready (notification will come as an incoming shipment from the supplier in the platform).

Step 3: Confirm receiving of the material, to confirm the physical content of the consignment matches with the online shipment.

Step 4: Create a consignment/shipment on RR Platform using the materials from the corresponding incoming shipment from the factory and send it to the buyer notifying that the goods are ready for dispatch.

Step 5: Deliver the material as per agreed Incoterms to the asking destination. Waste handler is responsible for maintaining all commercial documentation required during the transportation, including collecting invoices from the buyer and receipt from the seller.

Step 6: Upload all relevant documentation in RR Platform.

Step 7: Complete the process by rating all the involved organisations on RR Platform with comments.

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