Option 4: Waste handler buys waste from RR network

In this scenario, due to the absence of an incoming order from within the network, the waste handler chooses to sell to a recycling company outside the RR network, using material sourced from suppliers in RR network.

In the network, each waste handler has the freedom to act as an independent buyer of waste to stockpile materials into their own inventory. However priority always has to be given to fulfilling incoming orders from within the network.

Step 1: Use the RFQ/Offers feature in the platform or request the help of your RR contact (service manager) to seek for desired material types from within the RR network.

Step 2: Once potential supplier(s) is identified, create an order in favor of them on RR Platform and wait for acknowledgement.

Step 3: Pick up the material when goods are ready (notification will come as an incoming shipment from the supplier on the platform) and transfer them to your own warehouse.

Step 4: Confirm receiving of the material, to confirm the physical content of the consignment matches with the online shipment.

Step 5: Perform a quality inspection on the received materials to confirm its compliance with the agreed terms. Provides feedback to the factory and rates the transaction on RR Platform with comments.

Step 6: Perform the required actions on the materials and record the process as an internal operation specifying the process loss and the output quantity on RR Platform.

Step 7: Notify your RR contact (service manager) about your intention of selling to a potential buyer outside of the RR network.

Step 8: Request RR to create a recycler in the platform mentioning the location (city, country) & recycling type, withholding the company name.

Step 9: Complete the process by creating and shipping the consignment virtually to the created Recycler.  

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