Recyclers (manufacturer)

Here, you can view all the recyclers registered on our platform.

  • Clicking anywhere on a row opens a summary of the services provided by the recycler. By clicking on the name of the facility, you can access their profile.

  • All recyclers have a checkbox labelled PREFERRED PARTNER.

    Selecting this option will enable you to share your inventory with the chosen recycler. Additionally, you can opt to share data partially, brand by brand.

    NB. Please note that you can also nominate recyclers to view your inventory from your PROFILE in the PARTNERS tab. The partners added to your profile are those to whom you can make shipments.

If sharing is enabled, they'll be able to see your profile and a detailed view of your inventory.

NB. Don't forget to click SUBMIT.

If sharing is not enabled, only general information about your facility and stock will be shared. This can be useful for establishing new connections and forming valuable partnerships.

The screenshot below demonstrates how the recyclers can view manufacturers on the RR platform.

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