Sending shipments (waste handler)
Once you have created at least one category in the INVENTORY and added some volume to it, the Shipment functionality will become available for use.
An organisation manager will be able to see an overview of all shipments made by and to the organisation but will not be able to initiate shipments themselves. In contrast, a facility manager has the access needed to assemble and dispatch shipments from specific facilities.
To create a shipment, proceed by clicking START SHIPMENT.
If you don't see the START SHIPMENT tab, you are using the platform as an organisation manager. Please select the necessary facility from the dropdown on the top right. Then a facility manager role will be acquired.
As the first step, you are asked to choose the receiving party of the shipment. The dropdown list is automatically populated by the partners added to your PROFILE.
If the dropdown does not include the necessary receiving party you can quickly jump back to the PROFILE, PARTNERS tab and update the partner facilities in RR list. Once the list is updated, come back to the SHIPMENTS tab.
- In the second step, you will be prompted to enter the order number associated with the shipment. This is optional and can be used if you are filling a particular order for a certain recycler or the RR network. You can enter the order number itself, a challan number or a reference to the recycler (free text entry) so that RR can keep track of who this shipment is targeted for.
If there is no specific order involved, you can simply click SKIP AND SELECT ITEMS TO SHIP.
- Next a list of categories from your inventory opens.
- Please select the categories to be included in the shipment. If a category contains multiple shipments you've received, you will need to specify the lot from which you are sending out the waste.
Clicking on ADD TO SHIPMENT allows you to specify the number of bags and the volume you wish to ship out.
In the comment section, you can include information about labelling, baling, or the quality of the waste if it is relevant for transport or the receiver.
This information is used for the invoice or a challan of the outgoing shipment.
- ADD ITEM TO ORDER will add the inserted amount to the shipment and reserve it from the inventory.
- Reserved volumes are displayed in the INVENTORY tab as in draft: (see screenshot below).
Once you've completed your selection, an overview of the shipment will be displayed.
This overview is still editable, and if you need to navigate away from the page, it will be saved as a draft and can be accessed at any time from the SHIPMENTS tab.
Finally, the shipment can either be sent out or deleted if necessary.
To confirm a shipment, you must select a date for when it was sent out. This date cannot be in the future; the latest date allowed is today. Additionally, the transaction date cannot be set too far in the past; it must not be earlier than any previously registered transaction or predate the addition of the waste to the inventory. For example, if your last transaction or the waste you are shipping was registered two months ago, you cannot register a new shipment with a date from three months prior.
Once you've set the sent out date the CONFIRM SHIPMENT button will become active. After it is clicked, the shipment will no longer be editable and will become visible to the receiving party.